ETF - School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade,
IEEE Serbia & Montenegro COM CHAPTER
organized and held
Jubilee 25th Telecommunications Forum
on the 21st and 22nd November 2017,
in the SAVA Center, Belgrade, Serbia.
TELFOR is an international regional IEEE Conference #42231 in the areas of Telecommunications and ICT
TELFOR is co-supported by
"TELEKOM SRBIJA", IEEE Region 8, VLATACOM, Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of Serbia, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia, IEEE Serbia and Montenegro Section,
PTT Communications “Srbija” and other supporters and friends.
- 281 registered & submitted R&D papers were from 31 countries, around 58% corresponding authors out of Serbia;
- 49 rejected/withdrawn papers, 232 accepted papers (factor rejected/accepted 21,1 %), 13 invited papers:
- Arround 600 authors/co-authors and presenters, 1200 visitors and participants;
- 1 invited plenary presentation;
- 11 R&D sections with 40 regular and 2 student authors sessions;
- 16 special/technical/information/commercial sessions of companies/institutions;
- PTT “Serbia” Museum special exhibition “Women in postal and telecommunication traffic”;
- TELFOR 2017 Exhibition
- Traditional IEEE Region 8 Professional Seminar for students and young engineers;
- 7-11 parallel tracks during the morning and afternoon sessions each day;
- 173 members of Committees, 24 section coordinators, 55 members of technical support, 152 active reviewers;
- All authors/co-authors and visitors got free CD Proceedings of accepted papers and printed TELFOR 2017 detailed program, as well as some additional promotional items;
- There were only 2.1% of unexcused no-show authors;
- All authors/co-authors of finally accepted papers paid minimum one registration fee per each accepted paper;
- All finally accepted papers are offered to be published in IEEE XPLORE Digital Library;
- There existed free access and participation for all visitors (non authors);
- Several best papers awards were granted at TELFOR 2017 conference;
- Open Access scientific TELFOR Journal was for nine years publishing selected best papers from TELFOR conferences, with extended and improved results;
- III RSNOG Internet Conference was held in cooperation and in continuation with TELFOR 2017;
- Opening Ceremony (around 700 participantas) and the entire course of the 25th Jubilee TELFOR 2017 Conference was transmitted on-line over Internet for hundreds of interested parties.
- Record of the opening ceremony, more interviews and other video attachments were posted on the Media pages at
NEXT TELFOR 2018, 20th and 21st November, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia